Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 day work week :)

I think work weeks should be three days. It is much better for the brain.

Did you watch the speech?

Firefox is much faster but keeps giving me issues with Adobe flash.

Lee Roy Selmon passed away this week. He is the only Tampa Bay Buc to be in the NFL Hall of Fame. For the 20 years I was in Tampa Lee Roy was very involved in the community and was a great asset to the Tampa Bay area. Seemed to be what one hopes your community leaders to be like. He was 56. You will be missed.

Yard sale Saturday morning before working in the yard. Trim bushes and trees. Rake and rake and nap.



Anonymous said...

Most hospital nurses around here have three day workweeks but the days are 12 hrs. long and they usually end up working 10 days straight and then have a several days off. My Flickr friend Kim is a Nashville nurse and she takes her cameras and hits the road for the weeks she is off; goes everywhere.

Many weekend rakings coming up.

Mark said...

Being a nurse can be a brutal job.
Takes a special person to do that job.

Much raking very soon. Leaf blower will help that job be much easier.