Saturday, September 10, 2011

Doobie Doobie Do

When I received this album for Christmas as a 14 year old rock and roll took control and I never looked back. Great way for introduction to tasty guitar licks.

Yard sales buys today. A hand truck for $10, closet maid shelving system for $10, two oil original oil paintings, one of a cardinal and one a blue jay, .50 each. Five albums, International Submarine Band, Gerry and The Pacemakers, and three James Brown albums. All original in excellent shape. $1 each. They will be going on ebay.

Painted the table, finally. Stripped the painted off the legs and they will be painted chrome in the morning.

Took Summer for a long walk. Lovely weather today. House is wide open.

Good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Frampton caught the imagination of wannabe rock stars; he is still going strong.

You got a nice load of stuff at the sales.