Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stormy with a chance of dog

There was a time when this was on the list of songs at a party house I used to go too regularly.

Good thunder and lightning last night. Summer tried in inhabit my couch space. Very humid this morning. More storms today.

Fireworks are getting canceled around the area because of the lack of rain.

I heard they have a Jim "Catfish" Hunter museum over on the east coast where he grew up. I am going to make a road trip over there to see it. I am sure it is tiny. However he was my favorite baseball player. It should be a neat little journey.

What ever happened to all the hearings last year about genetically modified seeds? I never heard anything about any outcome.


Tammy said...

I think it would be a great experience if you get to go to France. Sounds like you and Summer are bonding pretty well. You know you'll hear fireworks anyway, and possibly even see some in the neighborhood, we always do even when they are banned. Come to think of it, my son is usually one of the biggest culprits of that. Hope you get some snacking tomaters. I am lookinng foward to a longg weekend of quiet. Mike and I both worked last weekend both days.. pretty sucky way to come off a vacation.

Anonymous said...

Never heard that song before; pretty cool.
Catfish Hunter was one of my modern favorites along with Pete.
May as well try banning Christmas presents; fireworks will be popping all over the place.

Mark said...

I'd love to go to France.
Summer and i get along fine. She does not listen to well. That will be a work in progress.

I have firework I NEED to use.

Many green maters on the vine.

Catfish was my hero as a kid.

The song is one of neat little odd finds in music.