Thursday, June 23, 2011

Failed Leadership

I have always thought these guys deserved more recognition than they got.

So dems and repubs are mad at Obama about bringing the soldiers home.

Well me too. We have been there for ten years, spent 440 BILLION dollars and we have nothing to show for it other than a dead Bin Laden. What an epic failure of leadership by the Pentagon, Presidents Bush and Obama, congress, senate, and ultimately the American people for not protesting in mass numbers. When we leave in 3 years we will still be in the same place we are today. Ruling 5 percent of the sand box while poppies and pot rule the rest. Some plan

oops, the beer fest is in two weeks. I guess Saturday is painting the table and putting it back together. Grocery store run and pet store for a long leash so Summer has room to roam when I am outside.

Are you watching the new season of Whale Wars?



Anonymous said...

I always liked White Lion; they had some sincerity that most hair bands didn't.

Like the Soviet's, we've had nine years to realize it was a mistake. Al Qaeda is weakened, but global terrorism has not lessened.

Haven't seen the new Whale Wars.

Mark said...

Great guitar work.

Terrorism is never going away.