Monday, June 6, 2011

Fix us

Do you realize if unemployment continues at the same rate it would take 240.7 months to put the 13 million documented unemployed Americans back to work. Unacceptable.

Time to get America back to work by fixing roads, bridges, train tracks, national parks, power grids, water systems and the rest of our crumbling society. Time to get companies the money they need to build solar power grids and get them installed across America, Build wind farms.
Many people are afraid of what it will cost. The cost to America is much greater if we continue to let employment grow at such a pathetic pace.

More and more we are gradually becoming a nation divided by rich and poor.
When the Americans who are poor republicans wake up and understand that fact things will begin to shift back. How can you be poor and be a republican?

Hot summer weather is here too stay. I need a beach day soon.

My nephew and a buddy of his will be here tonight. They are on their way to Florida. Pizza for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Very good Hey Jude cover.

Republicans have convinced the public by lies, treachery, and fear that the road they have led us down is the path to greatness. With stories of more people becoming millionaires each day, it has become easy for Joe Average to ignore the the people who are falling through the cracks, even if they themselves are one of the fallen.

Mark said...

I like that version a lot.

The rebelllion is marching closer each day.