Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So we got Osama last but here is a point to ponder. Why did they kill him? He could have easily been taken alive. Seems it would have yielded more info if they had him in custody.

The other thing is the fact we went into a country we are technically not at war with and violated their sovereignty. Put aside your feelings and think about it. What if a team of soldiers from Iraq came here and did the same thing with our President. Is there really a diiference?

Do you use Pandora? It is a great streaming music service. You basically build your own radio station.

Severe storms possible with wind and hail.


Anonymous said...

Osama was a live hero but is now a dead martyr; I think he was much more dangerous alive, even if in custody.

Who rules Pakistan; I sure don't know. The people of that nation are caught geo-politically in about as tough a spot as possible. Besides, we were attacked by Osama and his followers who had openly declared war on the US prior to 9/11. Pakistan leaders knew the price for harboring him, and they had to know he was there. I think the US did right on this one.

Mark said...

I think they should have taken him alive.