Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Monday

Lots of rain on and off this weekend. Not a bunch of sun. 59 this morning.
Have plants to go in the ground weather permitting.

Did you hear that Disney patented the term " Seal Team Six"? Is that for a new ride?

Did you know that Monsanto know will be shoving Roundup ready alfalfa down farmer throats like they did with corn. More chemically altered foods for humans and animals. All with approval from the Obama administration. Welcome to the United States of Corporations.

Picture is taken through the window of the Elsewhere Collaborative in Greensboro.


Tammy said...

sickening all of it. This guy is a hoarder I suppose. I wonder if he WILL sell any of his treasures? If I ever go to a disney location it will be too soon. Cooler weather here which is soo nice. I'm guessing it is the last we will see until fall.

Anonymous said...

Obama knows which side of the bread the butter is on.
Super photo; I'd like to see the stuff under the stuff in that store.

Mark said...

You need to check out the website. The story behind this place is pretty cool. Not a hoarded.

Obama makes a great Republican.