Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Had a headache last night and slept poorly. Hope today is not to busy at work.

Guess I will go to the mountains this weekend. The matting and backerboard are supposed to arrive this coming Monday. That's just a day short of two weeks from when I ordered them. All I ordered was white matting. Not sure why it is taking so long. They claimed most orders shipped within a day. Kind of messed up my plans for getting stuff in the gallery. I wanted to get stuff in there this weekend.

Hot the last few days. 85 yesterday and will be close to that today. Close to record breaking heat for this area. Then maybe a little rain the next few days.

I just heard about a movie, documentary, called "Budrus" about a town where Hamas, Fatah and Israelis work together to save a town from destruction. A true story and it seems to be very interesting. Something not covered by the mass media.

Off to shower and wake up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good weekend for the hills; my area is coloring quickly. I hope you get some good shots; in 2007 the Carolina side was much prettier than the Tennessee side.