Monday, October 25, 2010

The Beginning

Dropped off 40 matted 4 x6 prints, 5 4x 6 framed prints, 3 8 x10 pritns and one frame with 3 pictures at the Green Goat Gallery in Spencer on Saturday. Hopefully they will get put out this week, The gallery will inventory and price them this week. Would have had more but I ran out of mounting adhesive. So my project this week will be to finish them and bring them down this Saturday. At least that is the plan for now.

Ineresting how the leak from Wikileaks is not getting any real play in the media. Nice job of censorship being done by American media. There are many things in there that show why much of the world is losing respect for America and we as a nation do understand this, or maybe we just do not care.

Christmas is nine weeks away. Get shopping.


Anonymous said...

That is a heck of a little place in the photo.

Wikileaks; People don't want to hear bad news; we are still living in Reagan's land of la.

Mark said...

It was a neat little place in Georgia. It was not open otherwise I would have checked it out.

Blind and ignorant Americans.