Tuesday, July 29, 2008

He is picking WHO?

So today we see that Obama has floated the name of Tim Kaine as his VP choice. Not sure I understand this. This choice is not likely to gain him many extra votes. I would think that Joe Biden or Bill Richardson would be far better choices, or Jim Webb. If I had to pick for him I say Biden as VP, Richardson as Secretary of State and Webb as Secretary of Defense. This would be a great group of people and they would be able to win over some Republican votes with them.

The only reason I see for him picking Kaine is he wants a VP who does not overshadow him in experience.

The other thing about Obama is that he is swinging more to the center or right in my opinion. Just watch and see how many of things he promised to do in the primary will never get done. He is not as progressive as he leads most people to think. I just say watch your blind optimism or you will be disappointed.


Anonymous said...

Good thinking on the lineup, Mark. Don't forget one thing, though. The Republican Party is as strong as ever it was... and just as dirty.

About the promises he can't and will not fulfill... just politics! It is the Dark Side of the Force!

Mark said...

I think that would be a strong lineup. I would actually pick the cabinet and announce the cabinet before the election. Not conventional, but it could help sway many votes. Make the full cabinet announcement the Sunday morning before the election.

The election will be quite dirty. McCain and company are starting to roll it out right now. We will see an ugly side of him before it all ends.

Seems like the Dark Side always has the edge.