Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dumb all over

So the big news yesterday on the the price of oil was the big drop it took in prices this week and it was the biggest drop in prices ever. Well I say BFD. Whats a record drop in prices when the price is a all time high prices. It really means nothing. Because of this huge drop in the price of crude I guess we go all now safely run out and by our SUVS, stupid urban vehicles, turn our ac down to 62, forget about alternative sources of energy, turn in all hybrid vehicles and go back to the good old days of wasting oil. With the way the media trots out crap like this all the time it is no wonder people get confused. A large number of people hear these stories and take them to heart and do not think them through and that is the way we get into trouble.

As Frank Zappa said "People, we is not wrapped tight".


Anonymous said...

Well said. I think they want to get it high enough so that when the pump price drops to $3.00 a gallon none of us complain anymore. It's not just the gasoline either. Is it costing them more to make electricity these days or what? Crazy out there.

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!
Well put!

My summation of politics and modern mass media is a quote by Salvador Dali:
I believe that the moment is near when by a procedure of active paranoiac thought, it will be possible to systematize confusion and contribute to the total discrediting of the world of reality.

Mark said...

Think about this.

The oil companies claim the rise is due to demand and supply. That it is due to unexpected demand on the market. Don't be fooled by his.
The oil companies knew full well that the explosion of China on the world market would cause the demand to rapidly rise. Due we really know how much crude they have stockpiled to keep themselves protected against unforseen situations.

They also claim that by drilling in Alaska or the Gulf that this will help lower prices. Not true. Any new drilling is 5 to 10 years away from producing extra crude and the world of oil will be vastly different than it is today.

The last point is that over the last few years instead of building extra refineries or spending the money on looking at actual alternatives they have been reaping record profits. There is nothing wrong with profits. But with the tens of billions of dollars in profits they could have spend a few billion on alternatives and still had record profits.

Do not be fooled.