Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Stop your Crying

So once again I hear another story on the news about Hillary supporters pissing and moaning that she did not get the nomination. They are going to vote for McCain if she is not picked as Obama's running mate. This is not going to happen.

Hillary ran a crappy and ineffective campaign. The nomination was hers for the taking. She and her team underestimated Obama and let his campaign get off the ground and they failed in getting their message across as effectively as was needed. The other thing they never figured out was that many Democrats were unwilling to put up with another 4 or 8 years of the Republicans Clinton bashing. Many Democrats are sick and tired of all that garbage and are seeking someone who they hope can move the country and the party in another direction.

So go ahead and vote for McCain because your feelings got hurt. That is a good way to pick the leader of the free world. Morons.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Furthermore, Hillary has no business demanding she be made Vice-President. There far better fits in a future Obama Administration than the self-serving and dishonest Clinton couple.

Anonymous said...

Part of the duties of vice-president are to make sense of things for the President, as did Dan Quayle:

Japan is an important ally of ours. Japan and the United States of the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP, two countries. That's a statement in and of itself.

Seriously, it is "screw the future of the country"! Whomever is picked by either party, it is for getting elected, not for being a good president in case of succession.

Just the same old politics... integrity be damned!

Mark said...

I say Joe Biden for Vice President. He would be a good fit for Obama.

I would rather have a viable third party.