Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Money, Big Oil

So our two esteemed candidates are bickering like little kids over oil and taxes, how sweet. Well I do not blame oil companies for making huge profits in a pure business sense. However we should not be giving them any tax breaks, subsidies or any other money from the gov't coffers. That money belongs to the people of the United States and if you gave "We The People" a chance to vote if we should give them our money I think we would vote NO. Why do we give OUR money to corporations that are making record profits. We need to rise up against this. Please contact your legislators and tell them this needs to stop. We need to find an effective way to protest oil companies and Congress and let them know how we feel.

Another thing that pisses me off is something I heard yesterday concerning the state of the roads and bridges around the U.S.. Gov. Rendell of PA. wants the gov't to spend $140 billion to repair roads and bridges. He wants more taxes, more toll roads and to lease highways to companies to get this done. Well I say screw you. We the taxpayer have already been paying taxes in many forms over the years and you and our other esteemed leaders pissed away those dollars and did not even attempt to fix the road systems. Now you want to take more money from the pockets of the people, very nice. I say you need to come up with a budget based on your your current tax base and make it work with those dollars. Cut all the crap out of your budget and get the job done with those dollars.

Since I do a fair amount of driving, I do photography as a hobby, and have driven on many crappy roads. Did our leaders not see these, are they that blind. I will be going to Ct. in a couple weeks. I95 in Ct. is in horrible shape, way overcrowded. It was that way twenty years ago and nothing has been done. Now how are to fix a major highway through an entire state. Now one has the brain or balls to come up with a plan to get this done. By the time they actually even have a plan and get this done I will be dead and gone and I expect to here for 50 more years.

Now I am going to watch a tv show about BEER on the History Channel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gas taxes are supposed to help build and maintain roads. If McCain gives us a gas tax holiday, it won't help us any, but the infrastructure sure will suffer some more.

It cost more than $30 mil to get paperwork done for the economic stimulus. That money could have been better spent fixing roads and bridges, and China could have kept its money.