Monday, July 21, 2008

Hope and Faded Dreams

So today the Miami Herald revealed that there are 10,000 ex-cons working in the mortgage industry in Florida. Who the hell let this happen? So on top of greedy bankers, realtor's, builders and homeowners we have cons in the real estate game. Florida never changes. I bet the cons relatives were the ones selling swampland to Yankees in the past. Everyday we see how this market was driven by real criminals and soon to be criminals. What the hell has happened to us?

I swear that we are going the way of the Romans. It seems like most people really could not care less about their fellow man. Is it all about the money? When will the common man rise up against this and demand that they be heard? Will they ever rise up? Will they be allowed to rise up before it is too late? Why do we have so little respect for each other?

WTF is wrong with people.

Christ, I need a Xanax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rise up?

The middle class is becoming the new--but happy--poor, and the old poor are being pushed aside by us and the rich.

We as a middle class nation don't realize how poor we are. We have easy access to money through credit. As a whole, we are happy, because the government and the ad agencies and the financial industry has told us so. If your neighbor buys a Range Rover, you must take a second or third mortgage on your dream home and buy a Hummer!

The fact is that all that easy money is what makes us poor.

Rise up!? Never! We can't afford to take the chance of losing this good life!

We are pathetic!