Friday, July 25, 2008

Radio Ga Ga

So today the FCC approved the merger of XM and Sirius and I say "Thank You". I have Sirius and gladly welcome the chance to have more alternatives to listen to. Both have a wide variety of channels and now I have more too chose from. The wide variety of music channels is great for music fans like me. Most of these channels are commercial free or have very few commercials and that is a good this.

It is even better because this was opposed by the major radio station owners like Clear Channel and I despise them. People like Clear Channel have ruined regular radio with crappy programming, playing the same damm songs over and over again until you want to puke. They play too many commercials, and have no imagination when it come to programming. When i was a kid i wanted to be a dj. The dj has lost its identity because of the way regular radio is so controlled these days. So I applaud the FCC for once.

Now we need to get back control of our newspapers. Yes I still read a newspaper. I read parts of the New York Times everyday. Great writers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once reported and wrote for newspapers, and edited articles of other reporters. It was the happiest time of my life because I was creating art; I was a journalist. Now, the general public sees a journalist as nothing more than a pretty face or a talking head on the tv screen.

There are a few daily newspapers left where real journalism is allowed, and the NY Times is probably the best in the US.