Monday, March 26, 2012


One of my favorite songs by the Dead done by one of my favorite bands that I have yet to see.

So now Summer has a limp when she gets up from laying down. It goes away quickly but that is not a good sign. I don't see that she did anything to cause the limp and the area sees free from pain.

So now when Summer and I go for a walk we both start off with a limp. Maybe she has a sympathy limp. ain't that cute.

Parents will be here Saturday and stay through my birthday before heading back home after a month in Florida.

I have some very minor water drips at the main water shut off valve for the cold water and at the faucet for the warm water for the shower. I guess my first plumbing job is in order.

The NC state lotto, Mega Millions, is at 356 million tomorrow. Pleassssssssssss let me be the winner.

Do not have a mundane Monday.


Tammy said...

awesome tunes today. you and summer need some lazy time on a beach soaking up some vitamin D and soothing sun. my love to your parents. work is never done when you are a homeowner.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see these guys in informal concert.

Hope you and Summer both heal properly and completely.

Have a helper when you do plumbing repairs; someone needs to take over when you fuck up and start running around in circles screaming.

Mark said...

Yup. WSP rocks. The beach is calling us. Need some sun and sand soon. I'll give my parents your best. mom was asking about you guys Saturday.
Work is never done and money is never there.

My dad will be here Saturday to give me a hand. As long as the water is shut off I'll be fine. I think.