Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Little Rickie

Rick "American Taliban" Santorum won in two of our finest white states yesterday. Is the momentum swinging the way of a religious zealot?

My leg was killing me yesterday. It does not like to be immobile at all. The longer I sit the worse it gets. It was hard to get it to close to straight.

Warm here yesterday and the rest of the week. The trees will be green very soon.

Training on firefighter uniforms today. This has been my deal to get the company moving in this direction. As the program moves forward I'll get a piece of the action for each set we sell.

If my leg is good after work today I am turning the garden tonight.


Anonymous said...

God, I hadn't heard "Bumpkin" in years.

You may have twinges of arthritis in that leg for a long time; hope not.

Very warm here, but not as warm as predicted.

Mark said...

I did not know what song to play for Rick and that ended up as my choice

I figure arthritis is coming. The hard thing is i can't straighten it and I limp pretty good. The leg hurts pretty good sometimes.