Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

Tasty little cover from a band I have yet to see.

Well today is America's couch sitting day. Watching football related tv up until 6 p.m. and then the pre-game festivities before the kickoff. I expect a great game and hope the Pats win.

Time for a shower and then off to the couch and stuff my face with food.

Swelling has gone down and it seems to be related to getting my blood pressure meds refilled and back on those again.

Hope you enjoy your Sunday my Super friends.


Anonymous said...

Good music for a Super Sunday. I may watch it on the Droid but probably will use the tv.
Get the meds and take them like you are supposed to or I will tell your Mom on you!

Tammy said...

Ok. Here it is. You need to take better care of yourself or you will regret it. we are at the point in our lives where we decide whether we age as best as we can or eff-it. Watch the diet, get some exercise, Find a mentally healthy place, toss out garbage and hold on to the good stuff. I'm watching my father reap the rewards of "effing it" and I don't like what I see. Do you want to be only 60 and in a nursing home? Seriously? Don't make me come up there.
I love you and need you to be around for a long time. Take better care Markie, you won't regret it.
Lecture over.

Mark said...

I get it on the health issues.

Exercise is coming as soon as the leg is better. I do need to lose weight and eat better.