Monday, February 6, 2012


Well the Super Bowl was really not a great game. I think both teams did not play that well for the most part. Congrats to the Giants who seem to have the Pats figured out.

Egypt is going to put 19 Americans who work for NGO's on trial. Good job Egypt. Nice to see your country falling apart after last spring.

Time to get some seed starting going. Have healthy plants when they get transplanted.

My parents will be here on their way too Florida. It is the weekend of the Daytona 500.That will be cool.

Have a magnificent Monday.


Anonymous said...

Nope, it wasn't a good game. The first five minutes and the last five minutes were the best of it.

I think radical Muslims are behind Egypt's problems.

Mark said...

Egypt the once proud country is falling apart and will become much more unstable before anything good comes of it.