Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So Occupy has been going on for six weeks at this point and now it is getting to the point where we need to start calling for action as a united Occupy front. We need to start pressuring government agencies to start prosecuting the Wall Street officials who caused the mess we are in now. We need to bring several lawsuits that will end the current law that gives corporations the same rights as people. We need to change laws that are leading the U.S. to have the largest prison population in the world. Too many non violent offenders are filling our jails. We need to force them to fully fund our educational system. We need to force them to stop killing people around the world in all our wars.

I think we need a national Occupy day in Washington where all the groups across the country march on the White House as a united front so the leaders and the world can see that we the occupy movement are one United front.

If we as Occupy continue to occupy and do not start to call and force actions by our leaders the movement will lose its power. It is time to force action.


Anonymous said...

I believe you will see most of the things you wrote about come true, except the "corporate person" thing has already been approved by the Supreme Court and cannot come up again for many years. However, parts of it probably can be debated there ... if the justices allow it.

A unified march on DC has been on my mind for years and it looks closer to reality now than it ever has. However, we must be careful not to leave our flanks unprotected while we are in DC and find that we may have to begin all over in many cities.

At least one Nashville judge is on our side.

Mark said...

I hope the corporate person thing will slowly be destroyed. It has been gaining legal support since 1868 or so. It will have to be a good case for the justices to accept it.

The DC march is a must in my opinion.

The Nashville judge gets two thumbs up from me.