Monday, November 14, 2011

Leaf me alone

This is a great song by the Dixie Chicks. Talk about a band who suffered from right wing fanatics. They never fully recovered from their thoughts on George bush and the war. It is a shame they were blacklisted by fanatical war mongers in country music.

Picked up the two twin beds Saturday. The house is ready for guests. Y'all come on over.

Raked and used the leaf blower to do half the yard yesterday. Also cut down some bushes along the side of the guest house. Grass and flowers will go in there in the spring. With half the leaves still on the trees there will be more raking and leaf blowing to do. It sucks that it is dark so early now. Any yard work is for the weekend only, boo.

That is it really. Quiet weekend for the most part.

Now Newt is making a surge. Bahahaha.

Have a great Monday.


Anonymous said...

Nashville has shittified so many of its own over the years. After their London remarks about Bush, I had Carolyn buy one of the Chick's cd's. I even listened to it and it is pretty good ... better than country music.

Newt: Repubs are desperate; he has more bad baggage than the other runners out together.

Mark said...

The play some pretty interesting country/bluegrass mixes. Would most likely be a good show.

Gotta wonder why Jeb is not running?

Anonymous said...

I think most Republicans want Jeb to run; as of right now, none of the others can beat Obama.