Thursday, November 10, 2011


This albums makes me want to drive 100 in a 30 mph speed zone.
This is what hard rock and metal are all about. In my top list of albums.
If there was one singer I could sing like it would be DIO.

49 million Americans live at or below the poverty line. Wow. Just unacceptable.

Here is a way to fix the economy, fuckheads. Pay us more money. We will spend more and that alone will create jobs.

Finding lots of dead squirrels around. Falling out of trees? Getting hit by cars.

The more we see Rick Perry the I want him to be the nominee. I would be a fun fest of stupid comments.

If the U.S. can use drones wherever we want why can't other countries?
Got a good answer for that? Did not think so.


Anonymous said...

Dio is The Voice of hard rock and metal.

Yessir, I too like Perry for Prez. He is as Republican as they come.

Mark said...

Perry would provide endless quips for comedians and malcontents, like us.