Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yellow Fever

All along the Blue Ridge Parkway there tons of flowers. The abundance of yellow alongside the road was very cool. I like seeing yellow against all the greenery. I creates a nice contrast that is visually pleasing. I should find some flowers to plant for the winter season here. The front of the house needs some color. I some plants out front right now. I need a whole bunch more. Just need for the heat to cool its heels a little and then I can plant.


Tammy said...

Amazing how such a small thing like a little yellow flower can provide a tremor of hope within us. Herbs do very well in our fall weather and also provide nice foliage and flowers. Try tarragon, lavender, yarrow, or dill. Black-eyed susans or yellow coneflowers (Echinacea)thrive in our cooler months as well. I know you'll find the right plants for your place. I need to plant rice as my garden is under water, sigh. Glad you trip was nice. I like seeing all the new photos.

Anonymous said...

If the opportunity arises, travel the Blue Ridge Parkway around mid-October. The fall leaves are astounding.

Also, if you get a chance to go to Mt. Mitchell, also consider visiting Roan Mt which is fairly close by, and Grandfather Mt. Weekdays are best.

Mark said...

Tammy--I think I will go for black-eyed susans and dill for sure. Then from there who knows. I am sure your garden got hammered this weekend. We had 3 inches or so Saturday morning.. It was crazy how it rained so heavy for a coulpe hours.

Ken--I bet it is great in October.
I did get to go to Mt. Mitchell. It was cool. Of course the weather did not play nice. There were heavy clouds coming in and out of the area. I do have some pictures to post.