Wednesday, September 16, 2009


President Carter hit the nail on the head in his comments about President Obama. I also think much of the events you see going on today that are in opposition to Obama are racism. Pure and simple. Thank you President Carter for calling it like it is. You will take some heat for this but you speak the truth on this subject.
It is about time that somebody has said this. If McCain had won there is no way these people would be protesting. No matter what one thinks there is some very deeply rooted racism in this country. The majority of this is black vs. white and this is a long way from being repaired.
I fear for the President because I think the hatred for him by the right is going to deepen.
If something happens to him the country will explode into one ugly mess.
You all know this is the truth.
The term "person of interest" is fucking stupid. They are a suspect so friggin call them that.
Kanye West is a jackass.


Anonymous said...

A big part of this hatred is covertly sanctioned by some Christian churches and religious organizations. Ever since RR hitched the Republican horse to the Christian extremist plow, the nation has back-slid to the worse racial point since the mid-60's or earlier. Mark, we are in deeper trouble than most people know; I really see no end but some kind of revolution. We are becoming a Christian totalitarian state.

Mark said...

We will wake up one day and say what happened if we do not watch out. I wonder what it will take for the public to see this.

Tammy said...

I wonder why Kenaye West is so angry?
I saddens me to know that racism isn't past some of these hurdles still. Since adults are so stupid I wonder if somehow we can get to the children before they become corrupt. Watch small children.. They will play together happily without regard to race until that point where their parents corrupt them or they are aware enough to pay attention to the society they live in, then you see separate groups form. Just one of the problems that our country must face if we are to move forward as a united people.

Mark said...

In my estimation we are a long ways off from being unified. If the right gets there way we will become a Christian nation as Ken said. If that happens we would be lucky to be up Shit Creek with a turd for a paddle.