Monday, January 19, 2009

Time to buckle up America

So tomorrow we begin a new era in the United States. All of us better get ready because the kid gloves come off now and the republicans will come out swinging and not take things easy. I hope that Barack sticks to his guns and fights tooth and nail for what we all believed and put him in office for. It will not be easy and I think we are in for a rough time over the next few years. Getting the economy on the right track is a long ways off in my opinion and I hope that people will be patient with the new administration.

So here is to you Mr. President. Best of luck, keep the faith and restore pride in America again.


Anonymous said...

Unlike FDR, Obama doesn't have a majority of hick congressmen to work around. Barack has more sophisticated idiots to work with, and they won't allow him to fart without oversight.

Mark said...

I hope they give him some slack but it would be against their nature to work with him.