Friday, January 2, 2009


Well I got off my lazy ass and burned all my pictures to to discs. It took many many hours and about 100 discs to get this done. Of course most of the pictures are garbage in my opinion but that is the great advantage of digital cameras. You can waste all the space you want and not worry about it at all. Now I just need to burn as I go along, it is much easier.

Well I see that Oregon has been testing a system based on GPS navigation systems to see how many miles one drives and what time they drive so they can tax you on the mileage you drive and you could pay a premium based on the time you drive. They want to do this because the money from gas taxes is decreasing and will continue to decrease as more cars use alternative fuels or some type of battery. Well I do not want a gov't sponsored or mandated GPS in any car I own. I do not need them having any more of an idea of where I go and when than they do right now. They already know and too much about where we go via credit cards, those little toll machine things and with cell phones. Enough is enough I say. Where does our privacy end?


Anonymous said...

I read today that the tech. is almost in place for crowd scanning devices that can pick individuals out who show increased heartbeat, breathing, skin flush, eye movement, etc. whenever they see a cop in the vicinity, or see themselves on a monitor. Supposed to be used at airports to spot terrorists. BioRadar or some such.

Mark said...

Its all very big brother like. Very shortly it will be impossible for anybody to be free for governmental agencies knowing our every move.