Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You gotta ask why

Yesterday I wrote about my bosses husband dying, today another. My other boss, actually not really my boss but he used to own the company, his 44 year old son died. He had been having heart issues and drove himself to the hospital last Wednesday. His heart was so bad they had to put him into an induced coma.
By Sunday parts of his body had already started to fail and was on life support.
Yesterday they took him off life support and he passed away. he needed a heart transplant but being 6' 6" and 300 plus pounds a heart a for someone his size was not available. Most of this I found out at the memorial service on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Food, water, air. The stuff we need to stay alive is so full of man-made poisons.

Mark said...

Our food is killing us.