Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Reach Around

So now the Obama criminal organization is using the DOJ to get information on how the AP gathers its news. It can only be for the purpose of tamping down on freedom of the press. They want the the story spun their way and don't want any information that may seem negative to reach American citizens.

What a complete failure on so many levels.

All the spying and information gathering that goes on daily by the government AND corporate American is going to come home to roost some day.

The revolution will be televised.


Anonymous said...

I've always figured Obama is more crooked than Bush ever was.

American people are no longer educated enough about civic affairs to realize what is going on.

Mark said...

The whole thing is pathetic. Just proves how weak he is. What is next?

I bet most of the left sticks with him. Clueless.