Monday, May 6, 2013

Starts again

So yesterday I went to a funeral for my bosses husband. Ralph dies from ALS.
From diagnosis to death was around 1 1/2 years. Basically you die because your muscles get so weak that you can not eat or breath. most people die within two years of diagnosis.

Crappy weather all weekend cold and windy Saturday. Mostly windy, cold and rainy yesterday.

Let the registration run out on the Sport Trac. No sense paying for registration, taxes and insurance. The money can go elsewhere.

So two of the kittens from earlier this year have been hanging around and  was giving them food. That has stopped. I saw one catch a bird that was on the ground eating. Time to go back home little hunters.



Anonymous said...

Good music.
Not enough research going into ALS, dementia, and others. Wars to fight.

Don't let the Ford sit around and rot; get some cash for it.

Cats is cats.

Mark said...

My favorite current band.

Nope not enough. One big problem is people do not live long enough so trials are very hard to really effective and get good results.

I'll sell it now. The cash will be nice.

Yup. They will not get any more food from me and they will drift back home.