Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday musings

Nice little bluegrass tune.

Nice day yesterday. Lovely weather.

Put up some shelving in the guest shed. Next for the shed is some hooks for my bikes and that gives valuable floor space.

Started stripping a little side table I bought some weeks ago. It is painted white with green drawers. The top has a least three layers of paint and the original stain. Not easy to get the paint off and down to the bare wood. Going to stain it and polyurethane it. This may be something I keep instead of sell at the shop.

Going to take Summer for a little ride into the hills today so she can see the leaves in the mountains.

This just in..............

George McGovern has passed away. The man who could have really changed the way America did politics.
Americans bought into fear and war with their vote for Nixon. It is a shame. We still have not learned a thing.
Goodbye George some of us still believe the things you wanted are still possible.


Anonymous said...

Good video on McGovern. I remember Republicans airing ads that screamed Ho Chi Minh wants McGovern to be president.

Mark said...

Talk about a stolen election. The Republican machine crushed McGovern.
Too bad Watergate was in its early stages.