Monday, October 8, 2012


Fall came for sure this weekend. Saturday was almost perfect. Then the rains came Saturday night and there was rain in the morning yesterday. No sun and highs in the low 50's.

I did get the hot water fixed Saturday, at least for now. Seems the lines had a lot of junk in it. Rust and maybe a piece of a washer. It is working and that is all that matters for now.

Mumford and Sons are an English band and they just released their second album. It is the fastest selling album of 2012. Just a little bit of a bluegrass, rock and folk mixture here.

Happy Monday.


Anonymous said...

Good band; going to look for more of their stuff.
Just barely hit 50 here yesterday.
Take care about the water pipes; a leak may be about to happen.

Anonymous said...

Yes, good band, good music. Very English. Love Mumford and Sons too (unfortunately, so expensive cd in Poland).

Mark said...

They are pretty huge right now. Good to hear something like that become a hit. Not mainstream at all.

Same here for temps. No sun and a bit breezy. Leaves will not be long on the trees now.

Glad you liked them Jola. Too bad the cd's are expensive but youtube is good to for that.