Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So yesterday when I came home I let Summer out after she had something to eat. I came over and was sitting at the computer and Summer would not stop barking. I went outside and saw her barking at a kitten.
The kitten took off and Summer stopped barking. Came back in, sat down, and Summer started again. I went back out and looked in the gazebo and there was the kitten along with three other kittens all just staring at me. They are very young and very skittish. Mom was hanging around a little but not much. I gave them some milk and some soft dog treats. They loved both. They are still here this morning. They were all sleeping together in a big pile. So cute. Maybe I just gained four kittens for a little while. We shall see if they are here when i get home. I'll pick up some food today in case they are here.

I maybe refinancing my mortgage. looks like I can drop the payment $100 a month. I could use the cash in my pocket. Buying the truck has hurt my wallet just a little.

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

You may have been adopted by the kittens.
A refinance may be in line, but shy away from second mortgages.

Mark said...

The cats spent the next day and have moved on, for now.

No second mortgage.