Wednesday, October 31, 2012


There's No Place Like Here: Liberty Tool from Etsy on Vimeo.

Here is a pretty neat place. You can pick up tools at a pretty good price at yard sales.

Wow did New Jersey ever get hammered. How many years before these places ever get back to any sense of normalcy? The Jersey shore is New Jersey.

I am going to build a display for all my Pez dispensers. They need to get back out on display for all to see.

Here is a wall made from pallet slats. I'd like this in my house.
Here is the Pez display.

I'm out. Have a good day.


Anonymous said...

I like Vimeo.
I thought N.O. was bad but N.J. is much worse.
Yep, yous should display your Pez collection.

Mark said...

Vimeo is pretty cool. Some high quality work on there.

N.J. is in for a rough time and the onset of winter makes it all that much tougher.

Pez will be on display soon.