Wednesday, October 31, 2012


There's No Place Like Here: Liberty Tool from Etsy on Vimeo.

Here is a pretty neat place. You can pick up tools at a pretty good price at yard sales.

Wow did New Jersey ever get hammered. How many years before these places ever get back to any sense of normalcy? The Jersey shore is New Jersey.

I am going to build a display for all my Pez dispensers. They need to get back out on display for all to see.

Here is a wall made from pallet slats. I'd like this in my house.
Here is the Pez display.

I'm out. Have a good day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Well Sandy's wrath is yet unknown as of this writing but the devastation seems to be wide and massive.
Daylight will bring a harsh reality to many fellow Americans today. Peace my brothers.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hippy Sunday

Spend your lovely Sunday with some sumptuous grooves.

Sunday in Autumn

A little sun, golden leaves getting tossed about in the autumn breeze
The kittens climbing the tree playing on my roof, Summer barking madly 
Wind tossing my hair about, windows rolled down, chill touching my arms
Ghosts and goblins, pumpkins and candy corn are the season
Country fairs are done, hibernation in the air

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Republicans are dumb

Yesterday Trump offered the President $5 million dollars if he gave his high school and college records to Trump by October 31st. This is Stephen Colbert's response. Absolutely hilarious.

It is amazing how old Republican white men do not understand rape. This is because of their belief in their God. I think their God must be shaking his head at their collective ignorance.

As Ken said yesterday folks like me are in a dilema about our votes. Is NC going to be so close that a vote for a third party could swing the election to Romney. This vote really needs serious thought.

Looks like my parents are not coming for Thanksgiving now. Maybe I'll head towards the the Outer Banks for a night.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Russell Means, a real hero.

We owe them everything we took from them. We can start with some respect.

Wounded Knee 1973 is one of the first real world events I remember vividly seeing on tv as a kid.
I would have been 9 years when this started.

I never forgot, you shouldn't either.

It begins again

Looking like the election is going to be very close. Frightening how many people are buying the vast nothingness that is Mitt Romney. Talk about being doomed.

Debate or American pickers tonight. Hmmm. What should I watch?

Outside of taking Summer for a ride yesterday I did nothing. Saving money for the refinance if it goes through.

Looks like my parents are not coming down for Thanksgiving this.

Time for some toast for breakfast.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday musings

Nice little bluegrass tune.

Nice day yesterday. Lovely weather.

Put up some shelving in the guest shed. Next for the shed is some hooks for my bikes and that gives valuable floor space.

Started stripping a little side table I bought some weeks ago. It is painted white with green drawers. The top has a least three layers of paint and the original stain. Not easy to get the paint off and down to the bare wood. Going to stain it and polyurethane it. This may be something I keep instead of sell at the shop.

Going to take Summer for a little ride into the hills today so she can see the leaves in the mountains.

This just in..............

George McGovern has passed away. The man who could have really changed the way America did politics.
Americans bought into fear and war with their vote for Nixon. It is a shame. We still have not learned a thing.
Goodbye George some of us still believe the things you wanted are still possible.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


This is Jimmy Ellis. He had a career as a country singer and also as a guy named Orion who was an Elvis impersonator. He played with a mask on his face after Elvis died and many thought he was Elvis. Check his story out.

Have you checked out Rocky Anderson, running for President under the Justice Party label, you may want to. He has some pretty good ideas. Another third party candidate who deserves more recognition.

Have a lovely day earthlings.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Free the debates

This is what a police state looks like.

So this is how we treat third party candidates who are on enough ballots to actually win the election.
If you are enough ballots to actually win the election you should be the debates, it really is that simple.

So much for freedom.

We get get what we vote for and it seems like it is not much, unless you are a corporation.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Monday

Never been to Spain is one of my favorite songs. Love the GFR version.

Went to Asheville and up to the parkway on Friday. Weather was perfect. Stopped in at an art and antique shop and bought a picture. It is a great piece of photography. Trying to find some more about the photographer. More when I find out something. While talking with the woman who owned the shop I told I do some photography and told her about my website. She looked at it and wants me to bring her some photos to sell.

The leaves were all over the place as far as colors were concerned. Down low they had minimal change and up high they were all ready brown. So Mt. Mitchell and Craggy Gardens were past peak. Another week at best for the lower mountains for peak at best for the Asheville area. I also saw a fox.

Went to a couple auctions in town Saturday. Bought nothing at one and bought a box of old plates, coffee cups, and Pyrex pie plates for $7.00 and a dozen old frames for $2.50.

Sunday I reorganized the guest house and that was about it.

This is the future. Big Brother knows who we are. Thanks to mother Jones.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ash Friday

Yea, I know i posted this already. Did not want you to forget it.

Off today. Heading to Asheville for the day. Weather is about perfect. Take a little trip of downtown, then head out to the hills for picture taking. The leaves should be great. A nice three day weekend. I upload some pics from my phone for your viewing pleasure.

Well Biden was taking no prisoners last night. He was certainly confident in what he was saying.

Peace mi amigos.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So yesterday when I came home I let Summer out after she had something to eat. I came over and was sitting at the computer and Summer would not stop barking. I went outside and saw her barking at a kitten.
The kitten took off and Summer stopped barking. Came back in, sat down, and Summer started again. I went back out and looked in the gazebo and there was the kitten along with three other kittens all just staring at me. They are very young and very skittish. Mom was hanging around a little but not much. I gave them some milk and some soft dog treats. They loved both. They are still here this morning. They were all sleeping together in a big pile. So cute. Maybe I just gained four kittens for a little while. We shall see if they are here when i get home. I'll pick up some food today in case they are here.

I maybe refinancing my mortgage. looks like I can drop the payment $100 a month. I could use the cash in my pocket. Buying the truck has hurt my wallet just a little.

Peace out.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fight the Power

Well it was nice to see Mitt give his major foreign policy speech yesterday. It means get ready for war. This dumb son of a bitch will have us fighting all over the world. Yea, that is what we want. Just kill them and they will fall into place and become our friends.

If you are paying attention you should be afraid of this man.

Finally. Starting to get his due.

Here is a cool website.

Have a Tuesday.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Fall came for sure this weekend. Saturday was almost perfect. Then the rains came Saturday night and there was rain in the morning yesterday. No sun and highs in the low 50's.

I did get the hot water fixed Saturday, at least for now. Seems the lines had a lot of junk in it. Rust and maybe a piece of a washer. It is working and that is all that matters for now.

Mumford and Sons are an English band and they just released their second album. It is the fastest selling album of 2012. Just a little bit of a bluegrass, rock and folk mixture here.

Happy Monday.

Friday, October 5, 2012


These guys were my favorite band  for many years. There are very few quality videos of them out there. They rocked out in a great boogie style. Check out the songs Magnolia, Hello from Venus and Shakin the blues.

Yea, its Friday. Long long week.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just awful

The Avett Brothers doing some fine pickin' and a singin'. They are a great American band.

What the hell was that last night Mr President. That was an awful performance you turned in last night.
You had so many chances to attack and pounce on Mitt and you failed totally. Was there a moderator?
Like I have said before. He has no balls. If a third party candidate had been in the debate we would have seen someone with real and new ideas.

Where is Friday?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Debate This, Bitch

A very cool band.

So tonight on Democracy Now! they are having Jill Stein, Green Party, and Rocky Anderson, Justice Party, answering questions asked during the debate real time.

There is also going to  be a third party debate later this month.

Third Party candidates should be allowed to be in the debates.

There should be national laws regarding ballot access and not these insane rules imposed state by state.

There should also be a national law on voting rules and not crazy laws imposed by zealots from any party that impose restrictions to gain an advantage over another party.

We are not really free to choose who we want to lead.

Democracy Now! is a Roku channel.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rainy day, dream away

More rain today. Lots of rain lately.

Time to start thinking about Christmas presents. Want to start that process now before the insanity sets in.

Have three personal days left to take off before the year ends. Think I may take Friday off next week and enjoy a three day weekend and go out leaf  looking off to the west. I would like to head over towards Franklin and Cherokee. Have not been over in that area in some time.

Are you going to watch the debate tomorrow night?

Going to start and see what jobs are out there. Have been looking a little but want to actively look and see what is out there. Would even move if the right thing was around.

Time for breakfast.

Monday, October 1, 2012


The band here is Ike Turner's band. Although he is known by most for beating Tina Turner he really is a great musician who had a whole bunch to do with the beginning of rock n roll and often did not credit for his playing until many years after the record was released. This is a cool song.

No flea market or yard sales Saturday. Rain on and off and I did not really feel like going out and dealing with that all day. Yesterday was much better and I just did some house cleaning, dog combing and grocery shopping.

I think I am heading to the mountains this coming weekend for the leaves. I think the next two weeks will be the key weekends this year as some leaves are turning here already and that is much earlier than last year.

Wow October first already. Crazy.

I want to go to a country fair this year.

Happy monday.