Monday, August 8, 2011

Fuck You Fucking Fucks.....................Thank You

Enough is enough. We the Corporate Police States of America need to get the country back for the common working man.

Our paychecks are stagnant, costs of living is on a continual upward trend, our retirement savings are shrinking, we have NO leadership coming from our President, NO leadership from our congressman and senators, corporations getting more and more rights as living breathing human beings lose theirs. Shall I go on.

Why is it that corporations are making record profits and fail to give out raises? Do they not understand they could actually make more if we had larger paychecks. Why do they care more about their stockholders than they do about helping grow the economy.

Michelle Bachman and now it seems Rick Perry are going to be the two leading candidates for the Republinazis, sorry Mitt. Their religious attitudes are akin to the American Taliban. Separation of Church and State, mother*uckers. These are the leaders of our country. No wonder we are doomed to failure.

Abortion laws becoming more restrictive, the continuing failure of our three wars are getting our soldiers killed for ............

Do you like the picture with the middle fingers. I got those Sunday at the flea market. How could I not get them.

Watch the movie as you have time. This is coming to America. Time to push back and stand up for what is right for us as human beings.


Anonymous said...

I watched every minute of the video ... deja vu Chicago 1968. The corner to 1984 has been turned; Camelot is long gone.
The photo should be on our banner when we march to DC!

Mark said...

Very interesting video for sure.

Police state tactics are coming to your hood soon. Beware of big brother.

I am all for using that as a banner.