Sunday, August 7, 2011

Coming Apart

When I was walking Summer this morning I found a $10 bill folded up on the side of the road.

Painted one living room wall its first coat today. Looks good. My knees kill me after standing and painting.

Did the world collapse yet?

So I drove to the gallery yesterday and they we closed. Vacation.
So I went to Haps for a burger. Haps is a teenie teenie place that is just a grill and a counter. You ordr and go outside or to your car to eat.
They only sell burgers and hot dogs. You can get them with cheese, chili, onions and ketchup or mustard. Soda in bottles. I got a chili cheeseburger with onions. Very tasty and hot off the grill.

Very tired lately and have no energy.

Time to eat dinner and clean the bathroom.


Tammy said...

Maybe Summer is a good luck money-finding dog. Can't wait to see the color of the room when you are done. maybe when the heat dissipates a bit you'll feel more energized. Cody in the Keys this week, all week, and I am green with envy. They are hunting lobsters and got 54 yesterday in 2 hours. I'll imagine he will have a freezer full of lobsters when he moves to Tallahassee in 2 weeks. 4 day week for Mike and I. We took Friday off for our 16th anniversary.

Anonymous said...

The Hanks just keep on comin'. Good song.

I was looking for your house t'other day and I dropped a sawbuck; the one you found is probably it. I'll give you half for reward.

I hate to paint; next to farm work, nothing is harder.

I like the hole in the wall burger joints.

Mark said...

Summer is a good luck dog. She has a wonderful home to live in with a fat man as her friend.

Cooler weather will help quite a bit I am sure.

Keys, beer, sun, waves, hot women, I am sad.

Holy crap, 16 years. You are getting old.

Hank III is a piece of work. I like him.

In keeping with the America of today you can have the .11 cents I found last night. You have been downsized. :)

Painting sucks, knees hurting sucks more.

Hole in the wall joints are my America.