Monday, August 29, 2011


So crazy man Dick Cheney is out with his book to help confirm he is one crazy sob. The fact that he was one of the leaders of our country is a damm scary thing. War criminal Cheney. We are at war ten years later because your are a sick sick human being.

My parents and much of CT. do not have power. They do have a generator.
They understand they will be without power 4 - 7 days.

Seems my grandmother had a mini stroke. She is still in the hospital getting tests.

I took Summer out to a few rivers yesterday so she could play in the water.
I also took for a few long long walks between swims. She had a blast and was totally spent last night.

I also had an amazing BLT at the Saxapahaw General Store. This gas station, convenience store, restaurant has amazingly great food. A hidden treasure of food greatness.

I have a headache. Adios.


Tammy said...

I love it when Mike plays this Kansas song, loud! so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It seems that strokes are pretty common as folks age. I hope she will be ok. Don't you just love when you stumble upon a fabulous hole-in-the wall and get a pleasant surprise. Can't wait to meet Summer, it sounds like she is a good friend. Saw Cody on Sunday - he is doing ok. They have a keg in a trash can on the back porch with a large box of bee bees sitting next to it. They have a pond directly off their back porch. They are on the 3rd floor. The craziness begins...

Anonymous said...

I saw Kansas several times in concert back in the 70's, but they were always an opening act and never got a lot of stage time. This is one of my favorite all-time songs.

Cheney probably is broke and needs the book money! I read a few excerpts from his delusions; he is most definitely mad.

Hope your grandmother is doing well and recovering; a mini-stroke is a scary thing.

BLT = soul food!

Mark said...

One of the most classic rock songs of all time. Saw them once in concert.

That hole in wall has awesome food.
Does a fantastic business.

Cheney is a criminal.

Cody is having a blast, I am sure.

My gramdmother should be coming home today.