Tuesday, February 3, 2009


All these people are so freaked out the Michael Phelps smoked pot. Big friggin deal. Its pot, not crack or heroin, just a little old natural weed. Get over it. He lost the Rosetta Stoned endorsement deal because of it, just plain stupid. Now the police in that county are investigating and my bring charges, a big waste of time and money. And for the dirtbag who took the picture and sold it to the newspaper, well your time is coming buddy. You are a slimebag.

What the hell is it with all these politicians not paying taxes. Nice example you set for the rest of us. Maybe we should audit all the congressman and senators and see what we can dig up. Does not seem too hard. And how do the three from Obama's cabinet choices get off with no trouble from the IRS. The other thing is how wealthy are Geithner and Daschle. Daschle paid close to $140,000 in taxes and fines while Geithner paid close to $35,000. Do any of you have that kind of money just sitting around?


Anonymous said...

Mark, you and I are fighting a losing battle against the Washington establishment. The hell of it is if people like us don't fight, who will?

Keep slugging!

Mark said...

I am always ready to wage a battle or two.