Monday, February 9, 2009

Give me the money

Ok here is the real plan. Give each taxpaying citizen a real piece of the stimulus. Give us a check for $5000.00 or if you do not want us to save the money give some type of credit card that is good for 6 months. That way we have money and I guarantee that a stimulus of that dollar amount will have real benefits.

Two of the things in the stimulus bill are a $15,000.00 tax credit if you buy a home and an incentive to buy a new car. Are you f**ck**g kidding me? No I suppose not. We are not going to buy homes or new cars unless we feel our jobs are secure and I bet a large number of Americans do not feel secure about there jobs. The other thing I keep hearing is the insane notion that we need to start to buy homes so local gov'ts can begin to get new tax dollars to run their locality the right way. The problem with this as soon as sales begin to make an advance of any kind the banks, mortgage brokers, real estate agents and speculators are going to swoop in screw things up again. To fix the situation with current homeowners the gov't needs to force banks to negotiate with the homeowner and come up with a plan that works for both. If the bank does not work in good faith then they go the arbitration. If banks fail to do this they lose all money they have in the pipeline and must pay back money given earlier on in 90 days. If they fail here the gov't takes the bank over and puts it up for sale.

Do you or have you trusted a bank in the last twenty years?

I bet the real estate market will bottom out and the rebound will go through the roof and 5 years from now the real estate market will be in the same situation if we do not keep the screws tight on that whole market.

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