Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bluefield West Virginia, Flickr, Photo Thieves

So a few years ago I bought a piece of property in Bluefield West Virginia and the following spring I went up to visit the property and roam around West Virginia. While in Bluefield I took many pictures of the town and some of the pictures I took were of the Hotel Matz and the Colonial Theater. Yesterday I received a comment on one of the pictures and they told me the Hotel Matz had collapsed and it had also destroyed the front of the Colonial Theater. A bummer because they had been left to rot for way too many years. Anyhow I decided too see if I could find any pictures of the collapse on Flickr. Although there were none at the time I did discover something else. I found that some fuckhead with the Flickr name, randygilpin, has stolen some of my pictures and pictures of one of my Flickr contacts. This douche had two pages of pictures in his stream all of Bluefield and all of them stolen. Nice work sheet stain. Both of us have contacted Flickr and your stream will be taken down. What the fuck makes you think you can do this? Now let your Mom out of your bed so she can make your breakfast asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Bluefield.

The theft thing is getting more common on Flickr, but there isn't much anyone can do about it.