Friday, October 24, 2008

We need to stand up and be heard

I have always been fascinated by the events that took place in the United States in 1968. In my opinion that year changed the United States forever. I wonder how much different we would be today if Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King had not been assassinated. Would we see a better world? What would we have become?

The thing that fascinates me the most is the student protests that happened around the world. Those students believed they could change the world and made the world aware of their opinions. Many of the things they believed were radical and many were not. They were sick and tired of the status quo and actively went about trying to change the world for the better.

I think the time is near where this will happen again. However this time it will be the poor and middle class that will protest. The students of today are spoiled and really have no clue in the workings of the world. Ipods, cell phones, laptops, nice cars and other things have made them complacent. The poor and middle class are the ones who now can see what needs to be changed and I think we are close to seeing us pushed to the brink. The rich are getting richer and the poor and middle class are getting closer together economically. As we lose jobs, lose homes, cars, have larger credit card debts, get paid less and feel like our opinion is not heard we will begin to stand up and be counted. The thing we need to watch out for is the government, police and other authority figures will not be nice. They will take dissent much less kindly that they did in 1968 and those days were not pretty. Police tactics are much more advanced these days and the government will not be afraid to use these tactics to suppress distention.

I know that many police departments around the country are actually preparing for some type of riots after the results of the election are fully know. I know this for fact. I work in the law enforcement field and they think riots are a likely possibility. Of course a vast majority of them are very afraid of Obama winning and this plays right into their hand.

I say go Obama. I hope you can be the catalyst for change. We truly need it.


Anonymous said...

You've written some excellent posts, but this is your best yet! I truly think I am ready to have my head split open by a riot-stick in the name of justice for all.

Reckon they will allow us a toothbrush when we get to Gitmo?

I saw on MSNBC last evening where W is training a special Army unit to be used for domestic issues. Doing so is unconstitutional, but W and Dick have written their own constitution anyway. The National Guard is supposed to be used for internal emergencies; not elite Army storm troopers. This is indeed disturbing on the scale of Hitler and Stalin.

Another goof like the one Biden made about a coming crisis, and we probably won't have to worry about Obama doing anything but taking his loser's vacation. Joe was more than likely correct in his assumption, but he should have kept quiet.

Mark said...

Thanks Ken.

i do not get how complacent we have gotten as a nation. I think that most people are moderately happy at the moment when they look at the rest of the world and do not really look at what is happening at home.

That's great, an Army unit for domestic issues, however I am not surprised. Hell we keep on giving up rights in the name of freedom. How does that work, you take away my rights so that I am a free. Hmmmm.