Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bed Wetting Liberal

So most of the people I work with are solid John McCain supporters and they call me a bed wetting liberal. I just laugh at them. Some of them believe Obama is a Muslim, and they fear he will take their guns or he will redistribute their money and they are afraid he will talk to nations we are enemy's of. They say he is a communist. They are afraid that we will be involved in more wars if we leave Iraq. That we will be perceived as a weak nation if we leave Iraq.

Do you see a trend here? Its the politics of fear. In any of our conversations they never bring up any points for McCain it is always things against Obama. That in itself speaks volumes. If you have nothing good to say about your candidate and can only pick on the other side then you must have the wrong person running.

Barack Obama is not a Muslim and so what if he was. Is that any different than being a Catholic like John F. Kennedy. The answer is no.

He is not going to take your guns. Like the NRA will ever let that happen. Lets get real.

The government already redistributes your money through your income tax dollars. That is what Medicad and other programs do. He also means that redistribution will happen by creating more jobs and keeping jobs that for the middle class.

We need to talk to nations we do not agree with. If we continue to talk trash to them and about them then what do we expect when they attempt to do us harm. All country's have something to offer one another. We need to us this to our advantage. The United States has much to offer. some very simple. Just think what good it would bring by being able to get country's things like potable water, electricity, roads, education and food. These are things that North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia all need help with. These country's need major help in these areas and these are very simple things we can do to improve our standing in the world.

We need to go into Darfur and do some real good. If we can invade Iraq we can invade Sudan and do some real good for humanity. Sudan may not have much to offer on the world stage but it would help our standing if we went in their full force and put an end to genocide.

We need to stop torture. We all know what torture is. Stop playing with words. Torture need no definition. That may help our world standing.

Simple things Barack can do to help the worlds view of the United States.

Oh yeah, he is not a communist. That is beyond words.

I asked one of my bosses, a big McCain fan, how come if things were so great during the Bush years the "trickle down" theory of economics did not work. He just mumbled, "I am not going there" as he walked way. I guess he had no answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, Mark.

I think the Republican Party has become nothing more than a party of fear. Reagan used it to advantage, especially in his second run, and the first Bush used it, as did Bob Dole. Dole was unsuccessful because the sitting president was the best we've had since Kennedy. Fear worked very well for W, particularly against Kerry. The Grand Old Party is closely related to the ways of dictators like Stalin and Hussein; keep the people in line using fear, and reward the suck-ups.