Saturday, October 4, 2008

Justice Served?

So I see that O.J. Simpson was convicted of armed robbery and kidnapping in Las Vegas.
Well is this justice served for his being found not guilty of killing his wife and Ron Goldman?

I think, like most people, that he sure as hell was guilty in those murders. The whole case in Las Vegas stank from the very beginning. It stank of setup, stupidity, and a whole host of other things. However it seems that the crimes he was convicted of are really complete bullshit.

The whole lot of people in that hotel room where morons. Why is there a tape of this whole thing by one of the "victims". The guy who arranged the whole deal tapes it and then sells the tapes for $210,000. It seems nobody disputes the items really belonged to Mr Simpson. A bunch of dumb and greedy people doing dumb things. It really is that simple. The only real crime is that of being a bunch of morons.

So I ask. Is this a case of justice served? Because he got away with murder do you think he got a fair trial this time? Could he really have gotten a fair trial? Could you have sat on the jury?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely.
This conviction is for murders more than 14 years ago.