Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Progressive Obama

This is a great reason why one should see live music.

So I am sure you have heard about the "kill list" that President Obama has created based on reports he gets from assorted intelligence reports. On that list are American citizens, teenagers, alleged terrorists, terrorists and others who he has deemed to be a threat to America. While I have no doubt that a list like this has inhabited many White Houses over our history the fact the President Obama has put Americans on the list should be a great cause of concern for all Americans..

How is it that an American who has not been charged with a crime be killed by his own government? How is it that such an event is even legal? Oh its legal because HIS justice department can twist and mold and shape existing law to fit any argument he wants push forward, just like President Bush did with waterboarding.
What is the difference, not a damm thing. Oh well maybe ones a democrat and one is republican. Oh yea the supposed progressives got all in a twitter about Bush but do not have any balls when it comes to criticizing Obama. Yup that's it.

What makes Obama the decider about these lives? They all should be given due process. The more we kill people without due process the more we become like the ones we claim as enemies.

Drones................ How would we react if another country decided to use drones and strike American targets. Oh there would outrage that we have not seen the likes of. Do you think Pakistan likes drones killing citizens in their country. They have told us to stop using drones in their airspace and we continue to do so.
Do you think this is nation building? 

We have created and used Stuxnet and Flame viruses to attack Iran. How in the world do we expect to looked at as leaders of the world when we continue to do these things.

Of course all these things are being done by Christians who claim moral superiority over all others so I am not surprised in the least. If anything I am saddened by our lack of moral leadership and the fact that so few even bother to call President Obama to answer on any of this. You can bet if all these things were done by a Republican that democrats and progressives would be having mass strokes in the streets.

Listen to this, please.

Glenn Greenwald: Obama's Secret Kill List "The Most Radical Power a Government Can Seize"


Anonymous said...

I like your music selections.
Can you say "looming dictatorship"? We are on the road there.
Good blog.

Mark said...

There are many clues to the backslide of the U.S. As a nation we seem to miss them.