Monday, May 11, 2009

We Shall Remain

I just got done watching the last segment of "We Shall Remain" and I need to that it was a fantastic piece of documentary film work. I hope that this gives Americans a much better understanding of what we did to the native Indians.

It has always bothered me that we treated the Indians so poorly and gave them such little regard as human beings. Because of the conditions they have been forced to live under much of the Indian population lives far below the poverty line. Poor education, no income and government dependence has caused problems that are so deeply rooted in the Native American population that there seems to be little or no light at the end of the tunnel. On a vast majority of reservations people live with little or no heat, electricity and all the other basics we take for granted. We all should be ashamed that we are letting the people who were here first live under such conditions.

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