Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spineless Leaders

It is so nice that the Democrats have completely caved in on Gitmo. There is so reason we can not bring the prisoners to the United States and be held here in our SuperMax prisons or they could go here.

They are not going to escape and the prisons will not become targets. Those arguments are all things put out there to pray on unrealistic fears feed to us by our leaders and the media. Nobody has ever escaped from the SuperMax prison. They will not be released from prison onto U.S. soil. They are not U.S. citizens so that is not even a remote chance. Send them back to where they came from. Tough shit if they do not want them back. Tough shit for us if they go back to being terrorists or whatever they were. We release people from our prison system everyday and we know many of them will go right back to committing crimes. They still get released.

Harry Reid and company are weak leaders and they need to go away. Step up to the plate, grow a set and do the right thing. Close Gitmo, get the prisoners here, release the ones that need to be released, put the others on trial and let the courts do their job. If we have the evidence and the lawyers do their jobs these terrorists will be convicted and sent away for years.

It is time for the United States to act like the leader of the world and do the right thing. This whole torture and Gitmo mess makes us look weak not strong.
If you listen to the politicians reasons for starting the trials again and not bringing the prisoners here you hear one thing. We are afraid of the consequences of our actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on the 100% nose. Politics never change and neither do politicians. They will cave in to any threat that may keep them from being re-elected. "Country first" is bullshit when they want to keep non-working jobs that gives them keys to the world's largest treasury.