Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Ponderings and other things

Why the hell do the phone companies and Yellow Book keep delivering endless amounts of phone books. Most people do not use them anymore. Please make them go away.

Twice in the last week I stuck behind some moron who drives with one foot on the gas and one on the brake. WTF. If you are that afraid to drive do use all a favor. Don't drive.

Since it seems to me that civil unions are on their way to becoming the law in most states I think it is time to separate marriage from the church and state. If people want to be married in a church before their God fine, if they want a civil union/marriage fine. Also it is time to get rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell.

How about that fake flu epidemic.

At the doctor today I find out my cholesterol dropped 40 points since I went on my weight lose plan and I have lost 13 pounds. The doctor could not believe it. I think she figured I would fail because most people do. That made my day.


Anonymous said...

Our landline phone companies are probably among the most archaic companies we have left. If wireless prices were as reasonable as they should be, Ma Bell would be in retirement.

Speaking of archaic, marriage laws are. The customs are fine if you want them, but government dictation in such a personal thing is part of a "religious state" such as Iran and many others.

Congrats on the health improvemnet!

Mark said...

I think if land lines want to survive they need to drastically lower the cost to around $20.00 for all calls placed within the U.S.

The health thing is good so far. Thanks.