Thursday, May 7, 2009

Michael Savage is an asshole

So radio talk show host and all around loud mouth Michael Savage has been banned from England. I find this to be very hilarious. If you have ever heard this right wing nut job I am sure you will find the fact he can not go to England very funny also.

Although I think banning him from England for speaking his mind is stupid and most likely illegal he is getting his just reward for being a total douche bag. The fact that he is the third most listened too talk radio host behind Rush and Hannity has always amazed me. This guy's radio show has to be one of the most hated filled and pathetic radio shows in America.

He has been banned for being an asshole and a big shit talker. It is that plain and simple. The more that Americans hear about you the more trouble you will have coming your way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The US stations that carry him should be picketed and their license renewal applications should be looked at very carefully by the FCC. I don't like censorship, but British laws are different than ours; they still ban certain books.