Monday, February 24, 2014


Well all things were not perfect in Daytona yesterday but...... The rain was a gift and gave us much better racing than we have seen in many a year. Seeing how happy JR was after winning was great.
I think it was a validation he needed since winning any race had eluded him for some time.

Well things will be interesting in Ukraine for some time. It does show the power of people and how gov'ts that continue to suppress their people these days will continue to feel pressure to listen to their demands. Much of this would not be possible without social media. Fascinating to see how different aspects of social media play a role in government upheaval.

So I replaced a window Saturday and learned that I have the caulking skills of a five year old. No HGTV show for me.

Planted some flowers where I buried Summer. Going to plant more when the weather takes the next notch to warmer weather. Going to put a bird bath in Summer's Garden as well.

Spring forward in two weeks. We need to be on this time schedule all year long.

So work is NOT going to pay us for the snow day last week. Even though I am a salaried employee I still am not getting paid. What a load of crap that is. FU.

Peace out amigos.


Anonymous said...

Didn't watch any of the race. Maybe Junior will get a kick-start from this win.
Ukraine is a mess; social media does its job of the all-seeing eye.
If Tenn can get some neighboring states to make dst permanent, it will probably do so too.
It is an employer's economy.

Mark said...

Well I forgot to publish my comments once. Maybe I can do it this time.

The race was actually worth watching.

Better to have it light later in my opinion.

come on lotto