Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goodbye dear Summer

My dear sweet Summer passed away during the day yesterday. She was not feeling good when I went to work yesterday and she passed during the day. On Sunday I groomed her and took her for the longest walk she had been on for some time.

Summer was kind and sweet to everyone, even cats. Most of all she was kind to me. She was what a rescue dog should be.

She was loved and gave love.

You are missed old girl.


Anonymous said...

Amen, my friend.
I was happy when you adopted an older dog but I suppose we both knew this day would come too soon. You probably gave her the best years of her life.

Mark said...

I think older dogs deserve to be adopted so they can live their last years being pampered.

Well I think you are right. She was found living on the street before I rescued her.

Anonymous said...

You wrote so simple and beautiful words about Summer. I'm moved, Mark. I'm so sorry that you lost her. I agree with Ken. You gave Summer the best years of her life.
Take care, my friend.

Mark said...

Thank you Jola. She was part of the family and you miss all the little things they do. She was happy.